Hi friends,
I received this mail from Help Anti-corru
It would be nice, if you can spent some time and go through this content and try to contribute in any forms towards making our Beloved country a little corruption free.
Extract from the mail sent on 11th August 2011.
Your active participation required!!
We need active members to create ONE mega platform to make it appealing and working. Sleeping(just the registered) members don't give added value to the platform and in turn the movement. Why just ONE mega platform?
We must understand split policy never works.......you can feel what has happened with Baba Ramdev going separately instead of joining hands with Anna at first place. For the same reason one strong MULTI-LINGUAL platform (sort of ANTICORRUPTION FACEBOOK) with plenty active members that will allow the movement to sustain and able to show the power/unity at any stage, if required.
ACTIVE VOLUNTEER doesn't necessary mean you participate on daily basis or participate in personal in your region. We expect you to be connected to the platform on regular basis, to create a strong networking in your region and if necessary and also as per your wish, manage local events in your capacity.
You may take advantage of platform as follows.
Please take advantage of the platform and spread the movement spirit to far distant corner to reach the ultimate goal.
Best Regards,
Site Admin
Jai Hind
DeveloperCras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.
jai hind