Numerous books and various websites on the subject of angels are full of anecdotes like below, and many even more incredible. Do guardian angels exist? Do they sometimes come to the aid and comfort of humans in need? Why do they appear to and help some people and not others? Do you have a guardian angel? If so, how can you find out? And how can you contact yours?
In today’s frantic technology – dependent lifestyle, alternative systems of healing are fast gaining popularity. Healing through faith and spirituality is both, time-honoured and reputed.
Anecdotes of the recipient of angelic therapy
“My encounter made a huge difference to the quality of my life. It enabled me to see options that were not available before and helped me take my decision. I knew I was taken care of. The catharsis was magnanimous and everything seemed to fall in place,” she adds.
"When I was eight months pregnant with my daughter, I was so tired and disappointed in my two-year-old son. His behavior was different than other kids. Later on, at four years, he was diagnosed with A.D.H.D. with neurological impairedness and defiant behavior. I was so scared that my other child will be the same way. I was so tired because my son hardly ever slept at night, and I had a husband I could not count on. I felt like a failure.
"At around 7 a.m., I heard a knocking at the door, too early for anybody to visit. I got up, but my door was opening already. I got scared because the only two people with keys were my then-husband and the landlord. My husband was working and my landlord would not dare do that. But who did I see? My grandfather walking up the stairs smiling. I screamed in happiness. 'How did you make the trip?' I asked. 'Who brought you here? Why didn't you call me?' The last I knew, my grandfather was sick in bed and that was some days before. He then told me that he came to visit me for a moment. I was upset at that.
"He then asked, 'Where is your son?' I told him he was finally sleep. I told him how I felt so alone and disappointed at motherhood, and scared. He stopped me and with a hug and told me to make me some coffee. He told me, 'Now it's time for me to leave. I came to bless your son and it is done.' When I went to bed, he tucked me in and looked at me with so much love, and then he said, 'You will have a girl and she will be fine, and you will be fine.' I smiled and then he said, 'Come and give me a hug. I love you so much.' I did, but then I noticed I was hugging the air. Nobody was with me. My first thought was that my grandpa passed away and I called my grandma. Crying, I told grandma what happened, but she kept insisting grandpa was alive and fine. I asked her to check on him. She even put him on the phone. Who came to visit me that morning? Why did he look like grandpa?"
What experts say about ‘Guardian Angel’
Sunita Singad the author of the celebrated book, A Walk With The Angels says, “In angelic healing, the divine energies of angels, archangels and other heavenly beings are channelized into earthly sphere in order to heal physical, emotional and mental illness and traumas”.
Robert Graham, in his article "Angel Talk: Are You Listening", suggests that we all have guardian angels that are willing to communicate with us, but that most of the time we are just too busy to listen. If we are attentive, he says, and are willing to remain open to this communication, we can receive subtle messages that can help us in our daily lives.
Who are ‘Guardian Angels’
The word angel means messenger. Believers claim angels bring us messages from the creator. But whether you believe in them or not, or whether you want one or not, believers insist that you do have a guardian angel. According to "Encounters of the Angelic Kind" at Future365 (now defunct), "they intercept at many junctures in our lives and help wherever they can to make our lives run smoothly. ‘’Every one of us is born with two guardian angels that are present with us throughout our life. One angel pushes us to make choices and decisions in keeping with our higher self. The other angel is much quieter, it makes us feel better and lifts our spirits when we are low,” claims Ranjana Obhan, angel, hypno- and psycho-therapist.
How do ‘Guardian Angels’ help
Even those who believe in the existence of angels concede that they rarely make a physical appearance. However, there are other ways guardian angels can make their presence known, they say.
"Some people say that they hear angelic sounds totally beyond human description," according to the article "Angels" at Future365. "Others have a feeling of sudden warmth or comfort, or, in times of sadness or grief, a gentle cloak of feathered wings wrapping softly around them. Sometimes angel energy may feel entirely different - like a sudden rush of air created by the passing by of an 'angel on a mission' at the speed of light. This is often noticed at times of impending disaster. At other times, simply an inexplicable presence is felt."
Sometimes they inspire us with a thought that spur us into action, at others it is to lend us super-human strength, such as in the case of a woman being able to lift a car long enough to free her trapped child. Or we hear of a runaway truck, with an unconscious driver at the wheel, inexplicably swerving sharply at the last moment to avoid a bus stop queue of people. In fact, there are many instances, which are often put down to luck, coincidence or even a miracle, but which have the touch of a hand of light behind it."
How to get ‘Guardian Angels’ help
Robert Graham, in his article "Angel Talk: Are You Listening", suggests that we all have guardian angels that are willing to communicate with us, but that most of the time we are just too busy to listen.
"If you want a clear and concise message from your angel," Graham says, "you must ask a direct question. Your angel will always answer your questions. You must ask your question out loud. Clear, concise questions will get you clear, concise answers. Answers will always be tangible and explicit, something you can put your hands on.
Angels are always willing to help us, according to Doreen Virtue in her article "Calling All Angels" on beliefnet, but we have to be willing to accept the assistance since we have free will. "To ask for angelic assistance, you needn't conduct a formal invocation ceremony," Virtue says. The methods she suggests are likely to be much more familiar and comfortable to most people, including:
• writing a letter to your guardian angel - spelling out your problem and your need
• visualizing - "see" protective angels around you in your mind's eye
• call them mentally - think your plea to the angels
• speak aloud - state your case verbally
• visualizing - "see" protective angels around you in your mind's eye
• call them mentally - think your plea to the angels
• speak aloud - state your case verbally
Different therapists have different methods. Occasionally they could channel the angel, making it possible for the person to converse directly with the angel. At other times, it could be visualisation, oracle cards or crystals. Angelic healing sessions can typically be practiced in midst of a crowded room or in a quiet, nested area.
"Connect with Your Angel" suggests yet another method: meditation. "Make yourself comfortable, sitting or lying down. Be aware of your breathing... Let your body become limp and relaxed. Empty your mind; create space, just as though the whole of the universe was there, inside you. Now just be. No doing. Only being. Communicate to your angel that you wish to connect with her/him. Wait in peace. Be aware of what happens. It may not seem much at first. Be patient. Subtle changes will occur. You may see light, colors or form. You may be aware of a presence. You may feel tingling sensations. You may feel emotion. You will feel love."
Now - just try it, let peace and joys overcome you!
Content extracted from “You have a guardian angel – Ami Somaiya, lifestyle - DNA” and "Do You Have a Guardian Angel? By Stephen Wagner, Guide". Image courtesy:
"Connect with Your Angel" suggests yet another method: meditation. "Make yourself comfortable, sitting or lying down. Be aware of your breathing... Let your body become limp and relaxed. Empty your mind; create space, just as though the whole of the universe was there, inside you. Now just be. No doing. Only being. Communicate to your angel that you wish to connect with her/him. Wait in peace. Be aware of what happens. It may not seem much at first. Be patient. Subtle changes will occur. You may see light, colors or form. You may be aware of a presence. You may feel tingling sensations. You may feel emotion. You will feel love."
Now - just try it, let peace and joys overcome you!
Content extracted from “You have a guardian angel – Ami Somaiya, lifestyle - DNA” and "Do You Have a Guardian Angel? By Stephen Wagner, Guide". Image courtesy: